

以下是一些 TikTok 邀约达人的专业话术示例:


“Hello [达人名字]! I'm reaching out from [你的品牌/公司名称]. I've been really impressed by your amazing content on TikTok. You've got such a unique style and engaging presence.”


“Your videos are truly captivating. The creativity and energy you bring to each post are outstanding. We love how you connect with your audience and think you'd be a perfect fit for a collaboration we have in mind.”


“We're currently working on an exciting project and we believe your talent and influence would add so much value. We're looking for influencers like you to help us promote [product/service/concept]. This could involve creating engaging videos, sharing your honest experiences, and reaching a wider audience together.”


“As part of this collaboration, we'll provide you with [mention perks like free products, payment, exposure, etc.]. Not only will you get to try out some amazing [product/service], but you'll also have the opportunity to expand your reach and grow your following even more.”


“We understand that you have your own creative style and vision. We're completely open to your ideas and suggestions. The collaboration can be tailored to fit your schedule and preferences. We want this to be a win-win partnership.”


“We'd love to hear your thoughts on this opportunity. If you're interested, let's set up a call or chat to discuss the details further. Looking forward to working with you!”


“Hope this sounds exciting to you! Please get back to us at your earliest convenience so we can start planning an amazing collaboration. Thanks so much!”
